If you need to bring in some additional income while you are studying, it’s important to find work that will be flexible enough to allow you time for your studies. Additionally, you need to reserve your energy and your headspace for your academic pursuits, so jobs that demand too much investment may not be a great fit for you at this time. Here are some suggestions for both high school and college students trying to balance their work with their studies.

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Office jobs that work well for students.
Especially if you are planning on going into business, getting used to an office environment and the administrative tasks it entails could be useful for your career while also bringing in extra cash. Some office jobs that don’t take up too much time and aren’t too stressful include receptionist, bookkeeper, office manager, and administrative assistant.
Jobs in the food and beverage industry.
Food and beverage work is popular for students because the shift work leaves you with plenty of time for classes and study. If you tend to be sociable, these are jobs that can be fun for people who enjoy interacting with others. Though sometimes the work is high-energy, it’s rarely stress that you need to take home with you. Besides waiting tables, you might also want to consider work as a barista or line cook. Learning to be a bartender can also be an excellent money-making option for college students.
Don’t rule out blue-collar laborer jobs.
Blue-collar work can often pay quite well, help develop valuable life skills, and keep you active and exercising. After sitting at a computer studying for hours, getting out and doing something physical, possibly in the fresh air outdoors, might be great for your mental as well as your physical health. Of course, you probably need to have some skills already – but, if you do, consider looking into construction, maintenance, agriculture, or warehouse work to get you away from the desk and stay fit.
You could even run your own business.
If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, you may find you’d rather pursue your own project and be your own boss. There’s no reason you can’t start your own business, even while you’re still in high school. Of course, you also need to prioritize your studies, so try to avoid digging yourself into a business venture that’s going to take up all your time. One possibility might be to create a business based on your academic work. Tutoring is one obvious option here, but also consider blogging, freelancing, or podcasting.
If you’re studying in tech fields, you could start an app development or site creation business. If you do decide to go this route, you can enhance your prospects by earning a degree in information technology. If you choose to complete the coursework online, there are flexible and affordable programs available.
Tips to help you get hired.
Go over your resume and make sure it stands out.
Research the company before your interview.
Write a good cover letter.
Follow up after your interview.
Apply for several jobs.
Learn how to network.
Keep in mind that if you choose the right work, this can help bulk up your resume and prepare you for the job market after graduation. And ideally, you will find a job that is enjoyable and engaging and will pay enough to be worth your loss of study time. Look at job openings locally and online, and also consider whether setting out on your own as a small business owner might be a good choice for you.